Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Alaina's First Dentist Visit

On Monday morning, Alaina had her first ever visit to the dentist.  Let me say, I was uberly amazed at how incredible she was.  I never expected this wild child of mine to be so calm and relaxing and completely comfortable with the whole experience.


Paige had prepped her the day before, by telling her they would clean her teeth with a little tool that made a “zzzzzz” sound.  So, Alaina had said – I’ll cover my ears!  Paige assured her it wasn’t loud at all. 


Paige and I were also getting our teeth cleaned, and I assumed Alaina would want to watch one of us go first so she could see what it was like – but nope!  My little girl wanted to go first.  She was so eager.  She got up in the chair and relaxed when they leaned her back.  The hygienist showed her all the tools and Paige wasn’t the least bit intimidated.  She got to pick out some purple sunglasses to wear so the light wouldn’t bother her eyes. 


She did everything she was told – opened wide, sucked the straw, held still…. EVERYTHING!  Paige and I sat there in utter amazement with big smiles on our faces.  The hygienist said she’d never had a 3 yr old act like Alaina.  She thought she acted more like her big sis.  Very proud moment. 


I’ll have to remember for next time, if we are all getting cleanings to have Palmer come along and take Alaina home when she is done, as she did get rather antsy.  The hygienist was nice enough to give her a bagel with cream cheese when she began complaining of being hungry.  And when I got my teeth cleaned, Alaina climbed up and laid down on my stomach.  She propped her chin in her hand and watched intently at the work going on in my mouth.


Overall – a wonderful and unexpected first dentist visit! 


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