Sunday, August 16, 2009

A sad realization

Yesterday, I had to run an errand that I didn't want to take Alaina on... so I called Betty to see if Alaina could come over for an hour or so. I knew Alaina would love the visit. She misses her Betty so much.

After I picked her up, Alaina tells me that she ate two packets of fruit snacks. Clearly these have Red40 and Alaina knew it. I don't know why Betty won't follow my instructions when it comes to this allergy. She either doesn't care, or doesn't agree with me, or doesn't believe me. It makes me sad but also reinforces that it was absolutely the right decision to move Alaina to preschool.

I also have had another talk with Alaina about refusing the Red40, even if she knows the food tastes good.

So, today has been no fun. She is impulsive, not listening to normal instructions, and can't focus. She didn't nap well either. She just appears to be a child with ADHD. Sigh.

So, Alaina can no longer go to Betty's house alone. I'll have to make time take her over there for visits, and won't be able to use her as a back-up babysitter anymore.

I really hope this gets out of her system soon. Last time it took 3 days. I'm scared about how she'll act at the preschool the next few days.


FaerieKissed said...

Wow. I'm sorry to hear that. I really hope that today is going better.

*Jess* said...

I'm sorry you guys are going through this :( Its so frustrating when it could have been prevented :(

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. :(